MidAtlantic - Job position icons

With more than 60 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry, MidAtlantic is a trusted partner and a problem-solver for the toughest projects. They approached me with a project to design emblems or badges for their employee ID cards denoting their position, and additionally the coloring denoting their level within that position. That way, the employees earn a small token of achievement as they learn more and move up within the organization. The ultimate goal was to visually represent various roles within the company in a unique and recognizable way. To accomplish this, the company reached out to me, as a specialist in icon design. I did detailed research to understand the nature of each role, and created icons that are not only functional but also visually appealing. The icons were designed to be easily recognizable and distinctive, with a consistent look and feel to promote the company's cheer towards career achievement.. In conclusion, MidAtlantic oil and gas was able to enhance their recruitment process and improve their brand image by using custom job position icons. The icons have proven to be an effective tool for attracting new talent and improving the company's overall recruitment process. Key work: Custom icon design
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